How To Get Rid of Mosquitos
How To Get Rid of Mosquitos
May 24, 2024 By Pestech Pest SolutionsThe hot weather in summer is a great time for the outdoors. However, if you live in areas prone to mosquitoes, these pests can interrupt your time spent outside. Mosquitoes can live outdoors and indoors and are active throughout the day and night. There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes, and they all belong to the […]
Pest Prevention for Homes With Pets
February 24, 2022 By Pestech Pest SolutionsKeeping your pet safe can be a complex operation. While you’ve opened your heart and home to them and made them a part of your family, there are other creatures that you’d much rather stay away. This article will help you identify which pests are dangerous and which are simply nuisances, as well as how […]
Most Common School Pest Infestations
February 8, 2022 By Pestech Pest SolutionsParents depend on schools to be safe, engaging places for their children to learn and grow. This means providing good teachers and challenging coursework — it also means keeping the building safe and clean. Just because schools are a place of learning doesn’t mean they’re immune to infestations. The social atmosphere also makes it easier for students […]
10 Ways to Repel Mosquitoes at Home
November 2, 2021 By Pestech Pest SolutionsIt’s important to protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes because these pesky insects can carry dangerous diseases. There is no way to know what exactly attracts mosquitoes to some people more than others. Some mosquitoes are attracted to sweat and bacteria, and others are attracted to body odors and carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes are also attracted […]
How to Prepare Your Yard for Mosquito Season
July 28, 2021 By Pestech Pest SolutionsMosquitoes live in almost every part of the world. Many types of mosquitoes bite humans and animals, causing itchy, raised welts. Mosquitoes that do not spread diseases are commonly known as nuisance mosquitoes because they represent an annoyance, but are not harmful. On the other hand, some mosquitoes, known as vectors, can spread dangerous pathogens […]
Known Diseases Carried by NY Pests
March 13, 2020 By Pestech Pest SolutionsHaving pests in your home is annoying, but pest infestations can also cause problems beyond annoyance. Some pests are known to carry diseases that can spread to humans, so promptly managing your pest problem is essential to your health. In this guide, we’ll discuss some common NY pest diseases, what signs to look out for and how […]