
Holiday Pests

By Pestech Pest Solutions

Holiday Pests

By Pestech Pest Solutions

  The holiday season has finally arrived and we know we aren’t the only ones who are getting in the spirit! Although it seems that some pests “go away” in the winter, they certainly do not. The most common ways that pests are brought into your home is via Christmas trees, wreaths and firewood. Insects […]

How to Pest-Proof Your Home for the Winter

By Pestech Pest Solutions

Brrrr.. It’s getting cold outside When the leaves die and cold weather begins, you may assume that bug season is over until the spring. Unfortunately, this assumption is incorrect. Even though you no longer have to deal with bees and mosquitos, the winter months can force other unpleasant visitors indoors where it’s warm. Your home may […]

Mosquitoes, flies, ants, oh my!

By Pestech Pest Solutions

We know how much you enjoy being outside in the warm summer sun, or sitting outside by your favorite campfire. We also know that summer pests enjoy it, too! Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are considered summer’s most dangerous pest. Surprisingly, they can remain active as long as the temperature is above 60, yikes! Not to mention that […]

Lookout for unexpected travelers!

By Pestech Pest Solutions

Look out for hitchhikers We know that one of the biggest pest issues that home and business owners are worried about is bed bugs- and rightly so. Hotels, motels, resorts, etc. are susceptible to these tiny creatures, which is why it is vital to take precautions to keep you and your family bed bug free. Especially […]

The Ticks Never Left but They’re Hungrier than Ever!

By Pestech Pest Solutions

Why This Year’s Tick Season Might Be the Worst in Years and How to Protect Yourself A tick(ing) time bomb is set to explode this season, in fields, forests and yards across the country, as we head into what is expected to be an extremely heavy tick season.  And with ticks, come the dangers of […]

Keeping Pests Away with Spring Cleaning!

By Pestech Pest Solutions

Keeping the pests at bay Ah, spring is here! It’s time to tackle those springtime chores, including pest-proofing your home. It’s important to keep the pests at bay this spring – here’s a few helpful tips to make sure your home in pest-free. The ants go marching one-by-one…. Most commonly, ants are known to infest […]

Termite Awareness Week!

By Pestech Pest Solutions

As spring approaches, termites seek out moisture-damaged homes and can quickly chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected. Once a colony is established, the damage they cause can be quite severe. According to the NPMA, termite infestations cause more than $5 billion in property damage each year — an expense typically not covered by […]

Tick Prevention and Protection

By Pestech Pest Solutions

New York State has one of the highest rates in the nation for tick-borne illnesses. For this reason, it is vital to take all possible precautions and know the threats that these tiny creatures pose to our health. While most infamous for being the carries of Lyme Disease – one of the fastest-growing diseases in […]