Bird Pest Management in New York
Birds are important and beautiful parts of nature, but they can also be a nuisance and threaten our well-being. Large flocks will chirp at each other, pollute the air with noise and then leave behind droppings that can sicken people. Their acidic droppings can also accumulate and damage paint and building materials — and they’re often very difficult to clean. For some business owners, these are problems that come up after every winter thaw.
Whether your home or commercial site has a bird problem, we can help. At Pestech Pest Solutions, we know that peace of mind for your guests and customers is your ultimate priority, and we strive to secure that for you. If birds have invaded your home, we aim to help you reclaim your sanctuary. Call our specialists to schedule an inspection and start addressing the issue today.

What Birds Are Considered Pests?
These bird species fall under the category of pests because of the damage and health risks they cause. They are also invasive species not native to North America, so there are no natural predators to control their population.
Here are three of the most common pest birds that commercial properties have trouble dealing with:
- Pigeons: These large, grayish birds flock wherever food is available, often in urban areas where unattended garbage cans are everywhere. Many pigeons are comfortable around humans because we make the mistake of feeding them. Pigeons can carry insect pests like ticks and fleas.
- Sparrows: Species like the house sparrow are about half a foot long and mostly colored reddish-brown. They’re known to pick at trash when grains or vegetables aren’t around. Sparrows aren’t afraid to build nests near buildings, and they defend their homes aggressively.
- European Starlings: Across North America, you can identify these birds by their dark feathers and light speckles. Though they’re small in size, they gather in huge numbers. They blanket areas such as agricultural and livestock facilities to hunt for grubs and seeds, causing damage and contamination.

The Dangers of Birds
Birds may look cute, but they’re not the best at cleaning up after themselves or building their nests with careful consideration for humans. They also love to flock and feast at farms. Birds, like starlings, destroy fruit crops and lead to significant agricultural losses across the country.
Birds can cause a range of issues for people, such as:
- Hazards: Unsafe conditions are created when bird droppings, debris and nesting materials accumulate on slippery stairways and walkways. A bird nest on a rooftop can also create a fire hazard or block vents that maintain proper air quality.
- Health risks: Birds can carry over 60 different diseases, including toxoplasmosis, encephalitis and histoplasmosis. Contact with bird feces or breathing fumes in the surrounding air can transmit these illnesses to humans.
- Property damage: They cause damage to automobiles, aircraft, and buildings with acid bird droppings. Bird feces can ruin paint and plastic and even corrode masonry and metal.
- Extra costs: Birds can add expense to your business with routine maintenance, cleaning, product loss and repackaging. Nests get clogged in building gutters, which can lead to water damage over time.
- Other pests: Ectoparasites, rodents and other insects are attracted to bird droppings. Even if birds stay outside of your buildings, their presence can lead to more organisms indoors and risk contaminating the inside.
Bird Pest Control Services in New York
Our technicians provide pigeon pest control, bird nest removal and prevention and other answers to problematic bird pests. We install top-quality products that discourage birds from gathering on your property. Our professionals can also come to your business or home and sanitize your roofing and grounds, saving you from the filth pests leave behind.
One of the most effective strategies for preventing and controlling pest birds is physically blocking access to areas where birds favor roosting and nesting. We’ll identify nesting and roosting areas on your building and apply the most effective exclusion material for the situation. Materials we use include:
- Netting
- Sheet metal
- Galvanized screen
- Strip doors
Behavior Modification
Behavior modification systems condition birds to avoid areas where they are installed. These techniques make birds uncomfortable, so they learn to land, roost and nest elsewhere. Behavior modification techniques include:
- Wire grid systems
- Electrical shock
- Sight and sound dispersal
- Flock dispersal
Sanitation Services
In order to have a successful bird control program, proper clean-up and sanitation is essential. We’ll provide the following services to ensure your commercial or residential property is free of the mess left by pest birds:
- Dropping removal
- Steam cleaning
- Pressure washing
- Chemical sanitation and deodorizing
How it Works
Your #1 Full Service Pest Solution in 3 Simple Steps

Bird Problem?
A bird problem can ruffle anyone’s feathers, but we’ve got you covered. Applying our expertise and passion for customer service, we will help you reclaim your property and the skies above. Our experts can implement a long-term solution custom-made for your business or home, large or small.
If you live in New York or the tri-state area, contact us today to get started.