Fallsburg, New York
Address: 461 Harris Road, Ferndale NY 12734
Phone: (800) 287-2847
Hours: Mon-Sat (8am – 5pm)
Do you know who to turn to when you have a pest problem in Fallsburg, NY? At Pestech, we provide Integrated Pest Management solutions that effectively control a wide variety of pests with a very low impact on the environment relative to standard pest control approaches.

Pest Solutions
Local Pest Control Services in Fallsburg, NY
We specialize in residential pest control and commercial pest management solutions for homes and businesses in the Fallsburg, NY area.
Our pest management services are highly successful at identifying and providing long-term control of any of the pests that commonly plague Fallsburg, NY, homes and businesses. Those pests may include:

Schedule an Inspection with Pestech
Contact us for more information about our pest control services and schedule an inspection today.
How it Works
Your #1 Full Service Pest Solution in 3 Simple Steps