Common Spider Species in New York and Where They’ll Be Hiding
For many Americans, spiders evoke a sense of fear. In fact, according to Chapman University’s Survey of American Fears in 2018, more than one-fifth of respondents said they were “afraid or very afraid” of insects and arachnids, like spiders.
However, even for homeowners or business owners that aren’t afraid of spiders, these arachnids can still cause distress. One spider can lead to many more, and infestations can prove to be extremely costly.
If you encounter spiders in your New York home or business, it’s helpful to be familiar with common New York spiders and know where NY spiders hide so you know which ones can potentially hurt you and how you can prevent poisonous spiders.
Contact Pestech Pest Solutions to keep spiders out of your New York business or home.
Top Ten Most Common Spiders Found in New York State
Whether you’re a New York business owner or homeowner, spiders are pesky critters that can find their way inside and give your customers or family the creeps.
Although not all spiders are harmful to humans, they are still uninvited visitors that can create unwanted webs in your business or home. However, there are some spiders with dangerous, poisonous bites you should avoid.
To know which spiders pose a severe threat and which are simply pests, be on the lookout for these ten species of spiders found in NY.
1. Sac Spider
You’ve probably heard of the brown recluse spider, but are you familiar with the sac spider?
Sac spiders, scientifically known as Clubionidae and Miturgidae, often have a pale yellow color. Because of this, sac spiders are also commonly referred to as yellow sac spiders, which have two main species — Cheiracanthium mildei and C. inclusum.
These species are the spiders to watch out for in New York, since they are the only ones known to be harmful to humans, according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
How to Identify The Sac Spider:
- Pale yellow, tan, brown or green
- Dark fangs
- Long, translucent legs
- Black “feet”
Is a Sac Spider Poisonous?
Somewhat. Their venom can destroy your cell tissue and result in painful burning or itchy sores that take a long time to heal, but their bite is not fatal.
Where Will a Sac Spider Be Hiding:
2. Nursery Web Spider
The nursery web spider in the Pisauridae family is another spider New York business owners and homeowners may come in contact with. These spiders are often initially misidentified as wolf spiders since they are similar in appearance.
Nursery web spiders are also commonly referred to as fishing spiders, since some species of these spiders fish for aquatic prey like crustaceans, insects and minnows.
The spiders will wait on pond or stream banks with their legs barely touching the water as they wait for vibrations from prey. Once the nursery web spider senses this vibration, it will dive into the water to capture its prey.
How to Identify a Nursery Web Spider:
- Tan, blackish brown, gray, rusty or yellow-like color
- Smaller legs and eyes than wolf spiders
- Hair that looks like suede
Is a Nursery Web Spider Poisonous?
Where Will a Nursery Web Spider Be Hiding:
Vegetation, on pond or stream banks, on basement walls
3. Funnel-Web or Grass Spider
Funnel-web or grass spiders, members of the Agelenidae family, are known for their durable but non-sticky sheet webs that they build in vegetation.
When grass spiders build these webs, they have one corner of the sheet taper into a funnel and wait for insects to land on it. Once prey lands on the web, the grass spider works quickly to subdue it with a bite.
How to Identify a Funnel-Web Spider:
- Brown
- About three-quarters of an inch long
- Long spinnerets
Is a Funnel-Web Spider Poisonous?
No, but may bite if they feel threatened
Where Will a Funnel-Web Spider Be Hiding:
In low-growing vegetation, in plantings around buildings, along the bottom of fences or in crevices of homes or businesses
4. Black and Yellow Garden Spider
The black and yellow garden spider of the Argiope aurantia species is one of the biggest spiders in the state.
These spiders are commonly known as orb weavers. They weave incredibly intricate webs, which feature a structural frame of non-sticky spokes and lines, a sticky spiral that traps insects and white zigzag silk that keeps birds from flying through it and destroying it.
These spiders are active during the day and rebuild the web each morning, hoping prey lands so they can wrap it up in large bands of silk. Adult female black and yellow garden spiders are known to be hundreds of times bigger than males.
How to Identify a Black & Yellow Garden Spider:
- Reddish-brown with black and yellow bands around the abdomen
- Exceptionally large
- Intricate webs
Is a Black & Yellow Garden Spider Poisonous?
No, but may bite on rare occasions, which usually only results in some discomfort and mild swelling
Where Will a Black & Yellow Garden Spider Be Hiding:
In gardens and fields
- Use Sealant for Any Cracks in Your Home
Prevent spiders from crawling into any small cracks in your home by sealing them up with caulk or a similar substance. You can also use caulk around any of your cables, wires, faucets or other electrical components since they all run outdoors. As part of this, you should also regularly inspect your home for any cracks or holes that could serve as a potential entry point for spiders. - Keep Your Home Clean Inside
Another excellent way to prevent spiders in your house is to keep things clean and tidy. If you have clothes on the floor, you have a potential hideout for spiders. Make sure you pick up all of the clothes on the floor and shake them out before you hang them up. Keep a regular cleaning schedule where you dust and vacuum at least once a week, as it will maintain a clean environment and show spiders that your home is not an optimal place to seek shelter. Additionally, if you keep shoes outside, make sure you inspect them and shake them out before putting them on or bringing them indoors. - Maintain a Tidy Yard
Keep spiders as far away from your home as possible by keeping your yard clean. Spiders are drawn to vegetation, so tall, unmowed grass or plants near your home could be potential hotspots. Although plants can provide a beautiful aesthetic, consider moving them away from any entrances to your home, along with mulch, stones, leaves, woodpiles or other debris that could act as spider hiding spots. Be sure to mow and rake regularly. - Concoct a DIY Mixture
Instead of trying out different pesticides, some homeowners may opt to create a natural deterrent using an essential oil like peppermint oil. You can create a peppermint oil and vinegar mixture to spray around the windows and doors to keep spiders away, as peppermint oil has been proven to deter some species of spiders. - Use Airtight Storage
Do you plan to store things away for extended periods? If so, consider ditching cardboard boxes and use airtight storage bins instead. Spiders and other pests can easily find their way into cardboard boxes, making for an unpleasant surprise when you finally retrieve your belongings. Airtight storage will prevent anything from getting in and keep your items safe. - Keep Insects Away
Since insects are a spider’s primary food source, it’s just as vital that you work to prevent them as you work to prevent spiders. While you could take measures like storing food in tight containers in a safe place to keep out bugs like ants or roaches, it’s crucial to stay up to date with pest management services. Rely on Pestech Pest Solutions to take care of pests around your home by scheduling monthly or quarterly visits and prevent a possible spider infestation.
Contact Pestech Pest Solutions to Keep Spiders Out of Your New York Business or Home
It’s never too early to start spider prevention and pest control in your home or business. For all of your pest control needs in Dutchess County, Orange County, and throughout New York, you can count on Pestech Pest Solutions to help. At Pestech, we value your health and safety above all else, which is why we work quickly and efficiently to banish pests from your home or business. Pestech has been serving New York residents and business owners since 1989 as New York’s largest family-owned and operated pest management company, and we’re ready to help you get rid of unwanted eight-legged visitors today. We also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee to ensure continued service at no additional cost if we can’t solve the problem the first time. With plenty of locations around New York, contact us today to get started with pest control near you.